Natural landmarks include trees, rocks, rivers, and lakes. The term 'metes' refers to distance and direction, and the term 'bounds' refers to fixed reference points, or monuments and landmarks, which may be natural and artificial. can be made only in areas excluded from the rectangular survey system. Proposed division/combination must meet all zoning requirements or a variance from the Zoning Board must be granted prior to approval. A metes and bounds survey is a way of describing the location of a piece of land by giving its boundaries. A metes and bounds description must return to the POB in order to be valid.If the original parcel(s) are an existing recorded plat and contain platted legal descriptions describing land by Lots and Blocks, then a survey is not required.

A complete legal description of each new proposed parcel in recordable form.Boundaries of any wetlands, watercourses, floodplains, wells, septic fields, and any water, sewer or drainage access encumbering the land.Location, width and purpose of easements.Street names, right-of-ways, and roadway widths of all existing and proposed streets within and adjacent to the proposed lot partition or division.All existing and proposed buildings and structures and their dimensions and setbacks from proposed and existing property lines.Site dimensions including adjoining property for at least 100’ in all directions from the subject property.If the original parcel(s) contain metes and bounds or acreage legal descriptions, applicant must provide two (2) copies of a land survey (not a mortgage survey) or plot plan drawn to scale (not less than 1” = 100’ scale) by a registered engineer or surveyor showing the following:.If the original parcel(s) contain metes and bounds or acreage legal descriptions, applicant must complete the supplemental DTE Energy land split application as required by Sec 109(a) & 109(g) of the Land Division Act. A legal description is a precise, legally meaningful and binding summary of a property survey.All Property Taxes, accounts receivables, and special assessments must be paid and up to date at the time of applications.ĪLL TAXES MUST BE PAID AS OF JANUARY 31, 2022.If there is a Land Contract associated with the property, the applicant must provide written approval from the land contract holder to proceed with the land division/combination.If there is a mortgage on the property, the applicant must provide written approval from the mortgage company to proceed with the land division/combination.Applicant requires the signature of legal owner(s), or authorized agent (with letter of authorization) of each original parcel, or an attachment showing Power of Attorney, or a purchase agreement contingent on approval.Applicant must provide a recorded deed for each original parcel as proof of ownership (when ownership is not obvious).The Land Division/Combination Application Must be Filled Out Completely and Include the Following: